Monday, May 2, 2011

A Public Service

I am always proud to be an American, but especially so when our wonderful military, especially the Navy Seals, shows us what courage, self-discipline and expertise look like.  I also give credit to President Obama for a gutsy decision; I'm glad he has continued so many of President Bush's policies that made this possible.  

Hard to believe that Peter Bergen of CNN believes this is "the end of the war on terror".  This is a conflict that won't end in my lifetime; al qaeda undoubtedly had a contingency plan to deal with the demise of bin Laden and it wouldn't be surprising to find them doubling their efforts to hit us on our homeland.  Make no mistake:  we are still at risk and our vigilance should remain high.  

Congratulations to our first-class military for taking down this evil man.  You are always in my prayers!

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